All of creation came first from a THOUGHT.
Everything began as a thought – the chair you’re sitting in, table, your computer, phone, car, home, clothes, children, career, where you go on holiday, whether you read this today .... even YOU! :-)
As Robert H. Schuller said, “The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.”
Your mind is extremely powerful and you are the gatekeeper to your mind, so be mindful of your thoughts. Are you your own best friend and unconditional supporter or your own worst enemy or harshest critic? Remember, you are what you think!
Focus on what you do want, rather than what you don’t want. Say “YES” to what you DO want, rather than “NO” to what you DON’T want.
Manifestation, creation and visualisation are powerful. What we focus on, we attract to us and bring into our reality, so monitor your thoughts and ask yourself, what are you focussing on the majority of the time and what are you creating in your life?
Are your thoughts predominantly positive, inspiring, uplifting, helpful, supportive, well intentioned .... or not?
After THOUGHTS, next comes WORDS.
You’ve had amazing thoughts and brilliant ideas and now you need to put language around your thoughts and ideas, to express yourself internally and externally to the people around you.
Use language that is positive and supportive, rather than negative, uninspiring or doubtful. Once words are spoken, they are unable to be taken back, they’re out there and have an energy. Ask a positive question instead of making a negative statement, such as asking “How can I?”, instead of “I can’t”.
Communication is the response you get. If you aren’t getting the response you want, you need to change your communication. And the only person you are 100% responsible for or in control of is yourself!
Even that ‘little voice’ you may hear at times, or not. The self-talk that only you alone may experience or hear at different times. You know the one. What does your ‘little voice’ say to you? It’s probably saying something right now. What little voice? Is she talking to me? Have I got a little voice? :-)
We can be our own harshest critics at times. We can be really hard on ourselves. Really, really, hard. Tougher on ourselves than our teachers were, even our parents were.
Acknowledge the ‘little voice’, know what it is, then stop it or turn it into a positive voice that reflects what you do want.
Be mindful of the language you use when communicating with yourself and others.
Be conscious of the words you’re using and the responses you receive. Ask yourself, what needs to change, if anything, in how you express yourself to have more positive outcomes?
This is where we put the pedal to the metal, the rubber to the road, get down and get dirty. You need to do the do! Having a great idea and speaking about it, without actually taking any action to bring it into being, won’t achieve the result you want, it’s just a great idea. All talk and no action won’t get you to where you want to be or do what you want to do.
Create your Action Plan and take action. The key word is “action”. Remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes, and if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got. You may have heard the proverb “man who aim at nothing is sure to hit it”.
Be the master of your destiny, the captain of your ship. If you haven’t plotted a course, you’ll merely bounce around on the ocean, at the mercy of the elements. Plotting a course provides you with an aim (destination) and direction in which you need to travel to arrive at your destination. Know what you want to achieve (thoughts), have a plan (words) and go for it (action). Simple!
One of Stephen Covey’s “7 habits of highly effective people” is “begin with the end in mind”. When you have the “end”, you simply work backwards. When you know where you’re starting from and where you’re going, you’ll be able to identify the gap in between and what you need to do to bridge the gap. Identify the tasks, activities, resources and support you need, put a timeframe or deadline to each task or activity and start taking steps to bring this into your reality.
There are many great resources available – books, seminars, workshops, networking and business groups, special interest groups, internet, professional sites, social media sites, libraries, community programs and support groups, colleagues, peers, family, friends, coaches, mentors, supporters and buddies.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, so set yourself up to succeed.
Create an Action Plan around your amazing thoughts and brilliant ideas, put the words to your idea and then take action to start progressing your idea and bringing this into your reality.
And after we take ACTION, we get RESULTS.
This is the good stuff!! This is where you achieve an outcome, something you thought about and then took action to bring about. Every time you take an action, there is a result, a consequence, something happens. In school we learnt that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It’s like the ripple effect. If you do something, something happens as a result of what you do.
In coaching, we work with Plan, Do, Review. Monitor and track your performance and actions you take. If you aren’t getting the results you want, go back to your thoughts, the words you’re using and the actions you’re taking to identify what you need to change and where you need to tweak what you did to achieve a different result. Go over the process and change or improve the area you need to.
In summary, you have a process to achieve what you want in four simple stages .... Thoughts – Words – Actions – Results.
Be sure to Plan, Do and Review regularly and remember to tweak the process if you aren’t getting the results you want. It’s important to celebrate your wins, share your new insights and learnings along the way, and replicate success.
Have fun with the process and enjoy the results you achieve .... and remember .... the KEY is to Mind Your THOUGHTS!!
Karen Low is the owner of Coach Me Now! To learn more, please contact Karen on 0409 343 336.
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